

How do I highlight certain words or texts or numbers in ...

2022年2月3日 — Sublime Forum · How do I highlight certain words or texts or numbers in sublime-text highlighted log viewer.

Text highlighting - Technical Support

2020年12月2日 — I just want to be able to highlight single words or different chunks of text and have that highlighting persist after I save/close the file.

How to highlight text in Sublime Text?

2016年10月8日 — Hi everyone! All I'm looking for is to be able to highlight a text like we normally highlight text with yellow in Mircrosoft Word.

Change colors for selected text and currently highlighted line

2017年11月21日 — I am new to sublime and I use Material theme which is dark. Question1. How can I change the background color of selected text (word/multiple ...

How to highlight words by input?

2018年1月30日 — Hello. I'm using Sublime Text 3 Can't understand, how can I turn on the highlighting other occurrences of the word while inputting.


This plugin highlights all copies of a word that's currently selected, or, optionally, highlights all copies of a word which currently has the insertion cursor ...


This plugin highlights all copies of a word that's currently selected, or, optionally, highlights all copies of a word which currently has the insertion cursor ...


HighlightWords. A Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin for highlighting mutiple words in different colors ... Highlight: Select “Edit > Highlight Words > Highlight Words” ...

visual studio code

2018年4月12日 — SublimeText/WordHighlight can be easily installed via Preferences -> Package Control -> Install package -> WordHighLight (or the shortcut Shift ...

sublime text 2

2013年9月3日 — Selective word highlight in SublimeText · When you select a word, its occurrences are already highlighted. Or do you mean select them? – slhck.